Cambridge AS & A Level- Information Technology

The Cambridge syllabus encourages learners to become effective and discerning users of IT. It focuses on helping them to develop a broad range of IT skills, knowledge and understanding. Learners study the structure and use of IT systems within a wide range of organisations, including the use of a variety of computer networks. As a result, learners gain an understanding of IT system life cycles, and how these affect the workplace. They also learn about the wider impact of IT on society in general. At A Level, learners also study simple programming for the web relevant to their own use of IT.

Aims of the Syllabus

The syllabus aims to enable candidates to:
• Develop a broad range of IT skills
• Develop an understanding of the parts, use and applications of IT systems within a range of organisations, including the use of basic computer networks
• Develop an understanding of how IT systems affect society in general
• Develop an understanding of the main system life cycle and apply this understanding to workplace situations
• Develop a broad knowledge of the use of IT in workplace situations
• Develop an understanding of project management skills (A Level only)
• Be aware of new and emerging technologies
• Be aware of the role of the internet and its potential but also its risks
• Apply their knowledge and understanding of IT to solve problems.


Candidates for Cambridge International AS Level Information Technology study the following topics 1–10.

  1. Data, information, knowledge and processing
  2. Hardware and software
  3. Monitoring and control
  4. eSafety and health and safety
  5. The digital divide
  6. Using networks
  7. Expert systems and other types of processing
  8. Spreadsheets
  9. Database and file concepts
  10. Sound and video editing

Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Information Technology study topics 1–10 and the following topics 11–19.

  1. Emerging technologies
  2. Role and impact of IT in society
  3. Networks
  4. Project management
  5. System life cycle
  6. Graphics creation
  7. Animation
  8. Mail merge
  9. Programming for the web

Objectives of Assessment

Cambridge International AS and A Level Information Technology has three assessment objectives-

  1. Recall, select and communicate knowledge and understanding of IT
  2. Apply knowledge, understanding and skills to produce IT-based solutions
  3. Analyse, evaluate, make reasoned judgements and present conclusions


For Cambridge International AS and A Level Information Technology, candidates:
• take Papers 1 and 2 only (for the Cambridge International AS Level qualification)
• follow a staged assessment route by taking Papers 1 and 2 (for Cambridge International AS Level qualification) in one series, then Papers 3 and 4 (for Cambridge International A Level qualification) in a later series
• take Papers 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the same examination series, leading to the full Cambridge International A Level.

All components are externally assessed.


Paper 1 Theory
This written paper tests sections 1–10 of the syllabus content. Candidates answer each question in the spaces provided on the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
Time- 1 hour 45 minutes
90 marks
AS Level- 50%
A Level– 25%

Paper 2 Practical
This paper tests sections 8–10 of the syllabus content. Candidates will also need to use their previous knowledge from sections 1–7. All tasks are compulsory. Candidates must use the most appropriate software and the most appropriate methods.
Time- 2 hours 30 minutes
110 marks
AS Level- 50%
A Level– 25%

Paper 3 Advanced Theory
This written paper tests sections 11–19 of the syllabus content. The content of sections 1–10 is assumed knowledge. Candidates answer each question in the spaces provided on the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
Time- 1 hour 45 minutes
90 marks
A Level– 25%

Paper 4 Advanced Practical
This paper tests sections 16–19 of the syllabus content, and sections 8–9 of the syllabus content within a problem-solving context. Candidates will also need to use their previous knowledge from all sections of the syllabus. All tasks are compulsory. Candidates must use the most appropriate software and the most appropriate methods.
Time- 2 hours 30 minutes
110 marks
A Level– 25%

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